MobiSafe: HSEQ Observations Anywhere, Collected and Analyzed Instantly

On-the-go Capture of Safety or Quality Observations

  • HSEQ observations can be raised online and offline
  • Possibility to customize the template as per Client requirements
  • Possibility to enrich with photos, annotations, GPS location
  • Possibility to generate and send pdf version anytime

Embedded Review Process with Punch List

  • Fully customizable workflow
  • Safety Observations are reviewed on line (mobile or web), approved or rejected
  • Generate punch list items and assign actions with rectification date when closing Safety Observations
  • Automatic notification of the punch item to the action owner with possibility to reject

Automated Database and Dashboards

  • A centralized tool for all HSEQ observations on site / for a region or entity
  • Centralized tracking database for HSEQ observations and corrective actions
  • Interactive dashboards instantly updated for management
  • Dashboards can be fully customized to respond to your needs